actually have a few cartoons lined up for this week. stay tuned.
actually have a few cartoons lined up for this week. stay tuned.
or bellyflop. all the other major candidates are floundering because of one or twp liberal ideas they simply will not let go of. even christe has his problems. herman cain is looking better and better.
volokh has semi functional links to the story of a turkish cartoonist being tried for renouncing allah. the cartoon wars now enter their fifth year.
not much to do around here. but we got beer. and we got chainsaws. spare me the critiques. i know it looks like hell. but not bad for a first effort.
will have a toon up in a day or so.
are any of you all good at math? and digging up dull statistics? i'd like to do an analysis of the casualty rtes between soldiers deployed to afghanistan and the various occupy groups. then compare overdoses, assaults and rapes.
Is this it? is this the "Kent State moment" they've been waiting for. Kind of pathetic. But I'm currently watching people compare this to tianammen square.
For the record, given the limited information I think the cop acted inapprpriately. But that in no way ads legitimacy to the commie dullards cause.
The city of Santa Cruz had to bring in hazmat crews to clean up 200 pounds of human feces after the occupiers left. I'd make a Michael Moore joke at this point, but we're stll about three hundred punds of shit short.
alan moore has decided to pick a fight wih frank miler over the occupy movement. it is fun watching the fits errupting over the various comic book forums. most seem to be fan boys screaming "fascist" at miller. and other various ad hominem ttack having nothing to do with the issues. i can play that game too.
now i have never met moore, but judging from the picture i suspect he smells. so he has that much in common with the occupy protestors.
he is a one trick hack. he takes characters others have created and gets cheap drama out of turning them into self loathing alcoholics. and after seeing his book “lost girls” i do not think he so be left unsupervised around children.
the protests themselves are now over, with only the feces left to clean up. not even worth discussing.
does anyone still care about the occupy movement? well here's one last cheap shot.
am watching the primaries. i do sort of have a problem with romney's religion. i don't think he's mormon enough. i don't think a truly devout ldser would have compromised on abortion. there's just something wrong with a guy who'll stand tough on the magic underwear, but toss away a right to life committment just to get elected.
if i was delusional enough to think that my opinion carried ay weight, i'd tell you all to vote for gingrich. but still... how can i pass up a joke like this.
i suppose romney is the titanic, and gingrich is the hindenberg. and ronpaul would be the roswell ufo. and santorum....? i don't kno. maybe he's the submarine with thscreendoor just below the iceberg.
webmonster here: You'll notice some things missing and REDACTED on the site now. Do not be alarmed. There's some stuff happening, potentially good - including a possible site redesign.
am taking a break. other stuff going on. maybe talk about it later.hope to get back to cartooning before the election.
with all the talk of brett kimberlin lately, it's important to remember the role gary trudeau played in promoting his bullshit.
This is real. It appeared in the New York Times on on July 2nd 1992. Now this was before the internet. A time when if you wanted to save something you tore it out of the paper and used it as a bookmark. Stumbled on it the other day. For some reason I could not bring it up online. Strange. Will get back to cartooning eventually. Maybe next month.
Batman and the Jewish Question
by Rebecca Roiphe and Daniel Cooper
Batman's new adversary, the Penguin, played by Danny Devito in "Batman Returns" is is not just a deformed man, half human, half arctic-beast. He is a Jew, down to his hooked nose, pale face and lust for herring. No, Mr. Devito is not jewish, but that's just it: Man in penguin costume, Christian in Jew face.
have a few ideas ready. expect some cartoons this week.
Knock knock
Who's There?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting cow wh...Moooooooo
Substitute Candy Crowley for interrupting cow and you have a pretty good summary of the debate.
What is the plan now? Before anything else we must stop Mitt Romney. He will want to run again in 2016. And when he loses he will try 2020. There is a pasture somewhere out in Utah he needs to be put out in. And Karl Rove should be run out of the country all together.